
DEVCO Master builders logo

18 Mar 2022

Devco’s 2022 Baptcare Charity Golf Day at Huntingdale Golf Course

Dolly Aamisha Mother Daughter

07 Mar 2022

International Women's Day 2022 – profile of Baptcare's Dolly and Aamisha Khanna

Gwen Founders Day

24 Feb 2022

Gwenda Sach remembers her mother on Founders Day

McGannon Laukhart in hard hat

16 Feb 2022

Faces of Baptcare: Chloe Laukart and Morgan McGannon from our Property team

Sen Linda Reynolds discussion in face masks

09 Feb 2022

Senator Linda Reynolds visits our Tasmanian office

Ken Westhaven RAC tnl

17 Nov 2021

After a respite stay Ken decided to make Westhaven his home

Woman using ipad

15 Nov 2021

Staying safe and well at home

Moonta School Kids with presents in their hands

07 Oct 2021

Baptcare’s Moonta school literacy project

Vaccine Jab Thumbs Up lady in mask with orange bandaid after vaccine

07 Oct 2021

Baptcare commits to all staff being vaccinated against COVID-19

Lady making quilts

30 Sep 2021

The Lady in the Window
– Lyn Spencer's story

Mother and daughter in front of house

13 Sep 2021

Victorians to benefit from Baptcare Affordable Housing and State Government community housing co-investment

Chaya Black and white closeup

22 Jul 2021

The Enduring Gift of Fostering: Chaya’s story