
Baptcare IHC Physio Shobini Balraj

05 Aug 2022

Faces of Baptcare #20: Meet Shobini Balraj, a Baptcare IHC Physiotherapist

Ali in front of bushes

03 Aug 2022

In National Homelessness Week, Ali shares his story

Chrissy Brookview Portrait

02 Aug 2022

The countdown to Aged Care Employee Day is on! A reflection on the power of care (and a hot cup of tea)

Andre Otter costume and wearer

22 Jul 2022

FACES OF BAPTCARE #19: ANDRE-LUC ARIAS STANNARD (otherwise known as Tour the Otter)

Doug Spiritual Care

18 Jul 2022

How supportive listening opens the path to healing

Australian Achiever Award 2022

12 Jul 2022

The Orchards Retirement Living Community wins Australian Achiever Award

Kevin Kopfstein NDIS Community Manager

29 Jun 2022

Faces of Baptcare – meet Kevin Kopfstein, Community Manager for Homelessness

Mother and daughter reading

23 Jun 2022

What is the difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee?

Baptcare Passivhaus Building Project Builders shake hands

16 Jun 2022

Innovating to keep power bills down in new housing project

two men smiling at desk

16 Jun 2022

Mosaic churches team up to support Houses of Hope

Tammy Lee portrait

10 Jun 2022

Looking back on National Palliative Care Week

Emily Patterson selfie

02 Jun 2022

National Reconciliation Week, 2022 | Faces of Baptcare | Meet Emily Patterson, Personal Care Assistant – Brookview