
Evan Portrait

21 Oct 2022

Faces of Baptcare #25 – Meet Evan Dalstead, Safety & Wellbeing Manager

mother and son hug in nature

17 Oct 2022

National Carers Week 16-22 October | Meet Jenny*, Baptcare Kinship Carer - Kinship caring in Jenny's words

Ashlin selfie

13 Oct 2022

Faces of Baptcare # 24: Ashlin Williams - Baptcare Mental Health Practitioner

Mel Fisher selfie

10 Oct 2022

World Mental Health Week (9-17 October) - Faces of Baptcare #23: Melanie Fisher, PC&S

Solomon Sisay

28 Sep 2022

Meet Solomon Sisay – acclaimed Ethio-Jazz musician and friend of Baptcare

Don Foodhub

20 Sep 2022

Cost of living pressures sees demand surging at Sanctuary foodhub

Allan Barton portrait

16 Sep 2022

Meet Family Services practitioner, Allan, our faces of Baptcare #22

Hannah and her dog

13 Sep 2022

Meet Hannah, one of our wonderful Foster Carers

mother and baby

09 Sep 2022

Meet Foster Carer Andie, part of Baptcare’s wonderful Foster Care community

Baptcare Important Announcement

31 Aug 2022

Announcement: Geraldine Lannon is the incoming Chief Executive Officer of Baptcare

Wilma portrait

31 Aug 2022

Meet Wilma Ackland from Baptcare’s Affordable Housing community

Natialie social housing builder

10 Aug 2022

Baptcare Affordable Housing’s new PassivHaus project in Sunshine, Melbourne