Home-Start Program
A Victorian program
On this page:
Home-Start can help you with practical support and one-on-one mentoring.
It is an evidence-based program and it is used all around the world.
The program is a voluntary visiting service, meaning all parent mentors offer their time as volunteers. Most parent mentors are parents or grandparents themselves.
Home-Start can work on a short or long term basis to support community connection and family empowerment.
Who is this program for?
Any family with a child under the age of five who is experiencing difficulties. Difficulties can include things like:
- a lack of routine
- a lack of community connection
- finding it challenging being a new parent
- mental health.
It is particularly helpful for parents who are feeling exhausted or lonely. This could be single mums or dads, or parents with new babies and toddlers.
What will happen when I access this service? What will my experience look like?
Step 1. An initial catch up
The Home-Start Coordinator will engage you or your family in a chat. This will help us to understand your situation, answer any questions, and work out how the program can best support you.
Step 2. Meet your Home-Start volunteer
After our initial chat, if the program is right for you, we’ll work to match you with a volunteer that we think is right for you and your family. We will visit you to introduce you to a Home-Start volunteer. At this point, we’ll work our when the visits will happen, and how long they will continue.
Step 3. We’ll check in to see how things are going
The Coordinator will maintain close links with both you and your Home-Start volunteer. This is done to ensure everything is working out and you have the right level of support.
We keep your information private
We will deal with anything you tell us with respect. We will also keep your information private.
However, where a Baptcare worker has concerns in regard to the safety of a child—or children—we have a duty of care to discuss this concern with Child Protection.

How can I access this program?
We currently offer the Home-Start program in different areas of Victoria. How you access the program can change depending on where you live.
You can self refer to the Home-Start program. Otherwise, a worker in a support agency might introduce you to the Home-Start program.
Different people can also refer you for the service if they notice you will benefit from the program. This can include Maternal and Child Health nurses, schools, churches, doctors, or neighbourhood centres.
If you live in Bendigo:
- Calling 0439 038 140 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Emailing homestart@baptcare.org.au
If you live in Sunshine:
- Call 03 9373 3800 to speak with the Home-Start Coordinator between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Email homestartprogram@baptcare.org.au
Providing compliments and feedback
Baptcare wants to help you to know about your rights. You have the right to tell us what you think about the services you receive from Baptcare.
We want to hear about your experience with Baptcare—good or bad—so we can provide you the best support possible.
If you have ideas on how we can improve, let us know!
See below our Feedback statement, Rights and responsibilities statement, and print version of our feedback form.