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R U Okay? Day – Start a conversation that could change a life

  • 10 Sep 2020

We all experience life’s ups and downs, particularly during times like these. Such moments can really challenge us, and sadly many people feel they don’t have anyone to confide in. Today is R U OK? Day, when Australians are encouraged to invest more time in the people around them, to meaningfully connect and support one another. Asking that simple but important question “Are you OK?” could trigger a conversation that changes a life.

R U OK? Day is held on the second Thursday in September, as a national day of action dedicated to supporting those who may be struggling. This year’s message is ‘There’s more to say after R U OK?’

At Baptcare, our mission and vision are lived through our WE CARE values and Wellbeing plays a significant role in who we are, and what we do. Starting conversations with those who may not be quite themselves goes towards living our values, cultivating an encouraging and safe workplace, and strengthening connections with our customers, residents, volunteers, and anyone we come across in our daily lives.

Today, and every day, we encourage you to look for the signs that something’s not quite right with a friend, colleague, loved one, teammate, or neighbour – trust that gut instinct, reach out to them, and ask “Are you okay?”

The question is just the beginning. Have a conversation that could change a life by remembering these 4 simple steps (ALEC):

  1. Ask R U Okay?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage
  4. Check in

Resources to assist you:

You can find further information and tools at

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