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  • International Women's Day 2022 – profile of Baptcare's Dolly and Aamisha Khanna

    Dolly and Aamisha buzz with warmth and energy. It’s no surprise that both women work in the caring profession. Both women celebrate the opportunity to help people in their daily jobs at Baptcare as Lead Care Consultant and Acting Kinship Care Team Leader, and they also celebrate each other.When asked for the best thing about her Mum, Aamisha commented, ‘Her cooking! Also, growing up, I have always admired how she has not only been amazing at any work she does, but how she is a supermum. She has an incredible ability to connect with almost anyone.’Dolly admires Aamisha’s natural caring nature, and ability ‘to put anything back together, whether it is a 5,000-piece puzzle or people that are hurting. As a young girl she was always giving back to community, either by volunteering at an orphanage in Zambia or helping to build a school in Kenya’.You can read more of Dolly and Aamisha’s story below, including more about Dolly’s work as an ambassador for a recent BreastScreen Victoria campaign – do you like about your jobs?Dolly – The best thing about my job is the people! I really enjoy working with my teammates and also people from other areas of Baptcare who support and provide guidance to help deal with challenges and complaints. It’s very rewarding to be able to connect with clients from different backgrounds and to be able to give back to the community.Aamisha –I thoroughly enjoy the conversations and the time I am able to spend with clients and their carers, and the ability to help them. I also enjoy being part of an amazing team who are so dedicated and passionate about their clients’ wellbeing. They have so much knowledge and I am constantly learning from them.What three words describe your daughter and what is the most special thing about your daughter? Dolly - Her punctuality, work ethic and sense of direction. This child can never get lost as she has a built-in compass. Aamisha is an empath and gives so much of herself to the people around her. She is a natural born counsellor (and this is her chosen profession). As a young girl she has always been giving back to community, volunteering at an orphanage in Zambia, helping to build a school in Kenya, climbing Mount Kenya to raise funds under the Duke of Edinburgh program, volunteering at a Hospital and SPCA. My favourite memory is of her performing ballet in Prague, at the age of seven in the world ballet contest.Aamisha - If I had to choose three words to describe my mum, they would be nurturing, hardworking, and bubbly. Mum has the ability to walk into a room full of strangers, and immediately make a friend. She has always been extremely compassionate and caring, and from as long as I could remember, she has had an incredible work ethic. Growing up, I have always admired how she has not only been amazing at any work she does, but how she is a supermum. The most special thing about her is her ability to connect with almost anyone - and her cooking!What is your happiest mother/daughter memory?Dolly - All parents would agree that you don’t have one single happy moment but series of them. The first time I held her in my arms and instantly forgave her for the 12 hours of labour is undoubtedly my happiest one. But it is also travelling along with her and watching her evolve into this compassionate, empathetic and beautiful human that she is. The ability to put anything back together whether it is a 5,000-piece puzzle or people that are hurting. Aamisha - Like mum has said, I can think of a fair few moments - I think some of my favourites were during our first lockdown in Melbourne where we would spend the evening doing something creative like painting together with a show in the background and just enjoying the other person’s presence. Similarly, dinners and coffees together are always some of my most treasured moments with her because mum is so nurturing and I always leave feeling lighter and calmer.

    • 07 Mar 2022
  • Gwenda Sach remembers her mother on Founders Day

    This was a grassroots movement of passionate and compassionate women, not a top-down initiative. As Ken R. Manley wrote in From Woolloomooloo to ‘Eternity’: A History of Australian Baptists (Volume 2, 2006), “In Victoria, from the floor of a Baptist Assembly – not from any denominational master-plan – came a plea that the churches should establish a home for the elderly. Baptist women took the initiative. Mrs Mary Pope, wife of Revd W.G. Pope, was the leader…The Union Secretary was advised but it was the women who had been organized to gather in large numbers and ‘invaded’ the Assembly on 17 May [1944] and moved the proposal…the motion was ‘carried with acclamation’.”As we prepare to celebrate Founders Day on 24 February, it was wonderful to have the opportunity to speak with Gwenda Sach, daughter of Florence, at Baptcare The Orchards Community. She shared the story of her mother, her family and the practical expression of faith that is the beating heart of Baptcare.“I remember going to Strathalan with my mother in those early days,” Gwenda said. “It was a big building and there were a lot of women there engaged in different tasks. My mother was part of the original committee. It was a very busy time.”The powerhouse who catalysed the energy of these committed Baptist women was Mary Pope. “She would circulate around the congregations, drumming up support for providing homes for the elderly. She was a vibrant leader, very energetic in helping women in their faith. She encouraged women to start counselling for older people. She was a great person, and was concerned for people not just physically but also spiritually.“My mother was a good and wise woman. She had common sense and cared for people. You need people like that, and you also need leaders like Mary Pope. These were great days. There was a vibrancy, and a sense of a true Union of Baptist people. We also loved the Belgrave Heights Convention. My mother was a lovely, serving Christian woman and it meant everything to her to be within the church. It was her family out here in Australia.“The story is unending. Mum was not a preacher, but one who lived her faith in the practical help of others alongside other women who knew the Lord. And we can still see that happening today.”Florence started life in England where she was a member of Holmesdale Baptist Church in London. During the First World War she met a young soldier from Australia, Victor Sach, who had been serving in France and Belgium before being moved to England for Rest & Repatriation. “It was love at first sight,” Gwenda says. As she tells the story, Gwenda refers to her mother’s constant companion, a small red notebook in which Florence wrote Bible verses, pertinent points from Baptist meetings and family records.After the war finished, Victor and Florence travelled together to Australia on a troop ship. She became part of Victor’s church family at George Street Baptist in Fitzroy. Later they spent five years in Middle Brighton, then settled in Bentleigh. Six daughters were born: Enid, Beryl, Phyllis, Doris, Joan and Gwenda.The youngest child, born in 1935, had profound health challenges. “When they discovered I was born with both hard and soft palates cleft, they had to feed me by dripping milk down my throat from a tiny teaspoon,” Gwenda says. She underwent major surgery aged two and again at 14 and 28, followed by countless hours of dental work, orthodonture and speech therapy.Does Gwenda complain? Of course not; she is Florence’s daughter, after all. “God’s been so good to me,” she says. “My whole life is a blessing from the Lord. He has been my life’s joy.”Which doesn’t mean life was easy. “When I was eight years and four days old, my father died of TB Meningitis. I was in shock for a long time. Legacy stepped in and supported us. It was the war, and many families were finding things a struggle.”Gwenda undertook secretarial studies, was influenced by legendary Baptist missionary figures including Rev J.D. Williams and Rev Dr Gilbert Macarthur, and in 1965 was selected for work in Papua New Guinea providing support to a Melbourne Bible Institute outreach project, Christian Leaders’ Training College. She spent six years there, stationed mainly in the remote highlands town of Banz. “Our conditions were very basic, western food had to be airdropped to us via Madang, but we had kerosene lamps and we loved the work.”Florence Sach lived to almost 100 and spent her final years in Baptcare’s Karana community. Phyllis spent her final years at Baptcare’s Hedley Sutton, and Gwenda and her sister Joan made Baptcare Templestowe Village and then The Orchards their home. “Baptcare has been good to me,” Gwenda smiles. “And the Baptist church has brought me joy and fulfilment.”Women like Gwenda and Florence are links in a long chain of service – women with a belief in mission and practical social action. This is the DNA of Baptcare, the founding story that can be drawn upon by all within the organisation as a source of strength and meaning. Baptcare staff continue to come face-to-face with social disadvantage and injustice in our communities. We can look at the example of the women who insisted on better care for older people at Strathalan in the 1940s, and be inspired to press forward with our own work in 2022. You can be sure that is what Mary Pope and Florence Sach would have wanted.

    • 24 Feb 2022
  • Senator Linda Reynolds visits our Tasmanian office

    Baptcare’s Launceston office welcomed some special guests last week – Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Senator Linda Reynolds and Bridget Archer MP – Liberal Member for Bass.We were thrilled to share some of our work in the NDIS and Early Childhood Approach spaces, as well as some testimonials of inspirational clients whose lives have been transformed by the care of Local Area Co-ordinators and the NDIS across North and South-West Tasmania. You can watch some of these stories here: An Ordinary Life'These good news stories reflect the true intent of the NDIS scheme' commented Senator Linda Reynolds.The Minister was also very complimentary of the ‘true person centred’ approach that Baptcare takes with all aspects of our interactions with participants. She commented that we’ve always been proactive in consulting with acknowledged leaders within the industry to find a way to solve identified gaps.We feel that this observation was a testament to the very heart of Baptcare. Our work in this space is an example of our mission in action, striving to take positive actions to assist people with disability to be able to live their best lives.Amanda Williams, NDIS Community Manager at Baptcare commented that ‘Senator Reynold’s visit made me realise that I am working for an organisation that truly cares, and who takes positive actions to assist peoples with disability to be able to live their best life.’You can read more about Baptcare’s work in this space at

    • 09 Feb 2022
  • Baptcare’s Moonta school literacy project

    Baptcare’s NDIS Yorke Mid North team were recently involved in a fabulous literacy project with the local Moonta Area School and the Nharangga Aboriginal Progress Association.Lee- Anne Bennett, Community Project Manager and Siobhan Bee, Local Area Co-ordinator of the YMN Region, developed the idea to ask Moonta school children to write a story about an animal who was living with a disability but who either overcame or accepted their limitations to become their own hero. Students would get bonus points if they used Nharangga Language.“I hoped that the project would assist young children to develop acceptance and knowledge about disability in our region while also involving their parents and strengthening Baptcare’s relationship with our local Nharangga community leaders, the Nharangga Aboriginal Progress Association, the Moonta School and Community library” said Lee-Anne.There were 30 amazing entries from three classes: Reception/Year 1 and Year 2 with a year 2 child, Halle, winning the overall prize, awarded at a special presentation.Halle’s story Kylie the Kangaroo Makes New Friends is about a kangaroo who was born without a tail, and who asks her mother “Mum, am I ugly because I have no tail?”. After being assured that she was beautiful just the way she was, Kylie gains confidence and goes on a mission to make new friends around the world because she’s shocked to hear her mother say that there are animals all around the world who don’t have any friends.Kylie goes to Asia and makes friends with Tamara Tiger then meets Dorla Deer in America and Hannah Hedgehog in the United Kingdom. The story ends with a proud Kylie competing in the Paralympics and winning $100!Lee-Anne commented she loved how Siobhan went above and beyond to take the initial idea to completion and added smiles to the faces of everyone involved. This project has led to another initiative-a great example of co-partnering and collaboration in action! Baptcare is currently working with the Nharangga Progress Association on a community garden project that would be promoted widely to people living with a disability in the Yorke Mid North and Moonta area.You can find out more about Baptcare’s Disability work on our website here.

    • 07 Oct 2021
  • The Lady in the Window <br> – Lyn Spencer's story

    Lyn Spencer, otherwise known as ‘the lady in the window’, spends hours making quilts in her garage (pictured) that has a large window looking out onto the buzzing streets of her retirement village. “I can quilt and watch the world go by,” she said.She has been making quilts for over 20 years and thinks she’s probably donated over 3000 quilts during her career, all to people in need. “There’s always need” commented Lyn “and I like giving and sharing things with people”.Her quilting began when her mother moved into an aged care community, where Lyn made quilts for many of the residents. “I love doing things,” says Lyn. “I can’t sit and do nothing, and I just love fabric. If I can feel fabric every day, I’m happy!”.The love of crafting is in Lyn’s genes. She remembers cuddling up to bed with her bedridden Nanna after school and helping her make brooches. Lyn has passed the crafty gene down to her grandsons and granddaughters too, all of who have made quilts with Lyn over the years. “It’s wonderful to visit them and see our quilts around their homes.”Lyn’s donations started in 1986 in response to the Chernobyl disaster. Rotary helped Lyn to send her quilts to over 140 kids in a Ukrainian orphanage. She is now a member of a quilting group called Made with Love made up of about 20 ladies who create quilts for people in need in the community, such as St Kilda Mums, Quilts for Orphans, and more recently Baptcare. Lyn’s quilts are a perfect example of community in action. The materials are mostly donated or sourced by a good friend of Lyn’s from various op shops, and the quilting kits are distributed amongst the members of Made with Love who then contribute different parts of the quilts.It was Lyn’s sister who led her to Baptcare, after a positive experience with an IHC package and resulted in Lyn’s recent donation of some quilts to the Houses of Hope. Lyn looks forward to a long relationship with Baptcare, sharing her love and quilts wherever they’re needed.We’re blessed to have Lyn as part of our Baptcare family and so grateful for her loving care and quilts.

    • 30 Sep 2021
  • Victorians to benefit from Baptcare Affordable Housing and State Government community housing co-investment

    UPDATE | July 2022: New PassivHaus and 7-star NatHERS designed homes in Sunshine.Baptcare Affordable Housing is pleased to be building 20 new social/affordable homes in Sunshine, Victoria.All are energy efficient, and eight are being constructed to the international Passivhaus standard – an Australian first.The project is a collaboration with Homes Victoria and Creation Homes.To read more about our latest development, click here.13 September, 2021Baptcare Affordable Housing (BAH) is delighted to be partnering with the Victorian Government to deliver two new exciting social housing projects in the Keilor Downs and Lalor communities, announced as part of the Big Housing Build Rapid Round.The project includes $24m. in Government funding, and a significant co-contribution from Baptcare Affordable Housing, to build 95 new homes (representing 47 homes in Keilor Downs, and 48 homes in Lalor).The Big Housing Build is a ground-breaking partnership between the Victorian Government and not-for-profit community housing organisations. This includes BAH which exists to provide safe, secure and affordable homes for those renters in our community who are vulnerable and disadvantaged.The Big Housing Build aims to develop 12,000 social housing dwellings at a cost of $5.3bn with Community Housing Associations. It is the single largest investment in social and affordable housing in Australia’s history and should create around 10,000 jobs per year over the next four years.BAH is able to apply for funding to construct and operate social housing through the $1.38bn Social Housing Growth Fund (SHGF). We are excited our application in this initial funding round was successful.Chair of Baptcare Affordable Housing, Philip Curtis says;“Baptcare Affordable Housing (BAH) was created nine years ago, to provide affordable, well-located, and well-built housing for people on lower incomes who are or at risk of, experiencing homelessness.Our team at BAH has made a long-term commitment to expand our affordable housing communities and engage effectively with government, at both state and federal levels, to build on our existing resources and broaden our contribution to this sector.As well as providing affordable housing, BAH advocates for vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our community. At the heart of our mission is our desire to engage with and bring opportunity to people who will benefit from these affordable housing projects,” he says.Chief Executive of Baptcare Affordable Housing, Graham Dangerfield says;“We believe that secure, appropriate and affordable housing is a basic human right. We are thankful for this investment because we know that many people in Keilor Downs and Lalor are struggling to find affordable housing. Building people affordable homes is aligned with our mission that centres onpartnering for fullness of life with people of all ages, cultures, beliefs and circumstances, and our vision to create communities where every person is cherished,”he says.Minister for Housing Richard Wynne says;“We’re getting on with delivering our Big Housing Build, giving more people the certainty of a roof over their head and the security of a job.More than $1 billion in projects will start this year – delivering new housing and hope to thousands of Victorians.This is so much more than a construction project – it’s a safe place to call home, training and apprenticeship opportunities and thousands of local jobs” he says. - ENDS -For more information about Baptcare Affordable Housing visit: Media Enquiries: Baptcare Communications Phone: 03 9831 7255 Email:

    • 13 Sep 2021
  • The Enduring Gift of Fostering: Chaya’s story

    Chaya Rainbird, 29, is a wonderful example of a person who had been in foster care as a young person and who is now a Baptcare foster carer herself.Chaya and her husband Fred were approved as foster carers with Baptcare in December 2019, however, delays relating to COVID restrictions meant that they didn’t meet their foster child until August 2020. Chaya commented that most weekends they welcome extra children into their home for respite visits and that she’s honoured to be a part of their life.Chaya's story*Why I ended up in foster careChaya: I was the fifth of eight children in my family and life was a constant struggle. By the time I was 14, each of my older siblings had left home. My strongest memories were of feeling constantly on edge and stressed all the time. I had to walk on eggshells around my parents and never knew what would set them off.At age 14, Chaya’s life changed when the mother of one of her friends (who was a foster carer) offered for Chaya to come and live with their family.Chaya: When my friend’s mother offered to foster me, I felt like there was hope – a light. The 1st of September, 2006 was the happiest day of my life although I felt so guilty leaving my siblings behind.Chaya’s life with the new foster family was short-lived, as the family were moving interstate. Chaya was invited to join them but didn’t feel ready to leave Tasmania at that time. However, she was really thankful for the foundation her foster care family had given her. With the support of government benefits, Chaya stayed behind in Tasmania and was accepted into a Gifted Extension course, finished school with an Academic Excellence Award, and got a scholarship into a University Arts degree. University wasn’t for her though and she eventually took up training as a chef – her current vocation.Why I chose to become a foster carerI wouldn’t be the person I am today without my foster family. They invested so much in me and showed me what a loving family looks like.My foster family were safe, warm, stable and loving. They didn’t hound me to open up. They showed me discipline by teaching but not punishing.They showed me how to behave in society and gave me a sense of security and reassured me that who I was as a person was ok.If my foster family hadn’t accepted me who knows what my life would be now. Instead, I’m a mother of 3, a fulltime chef, married for over 10 years, I pay my taxes and I’m a foster carer – all because someone fostered me as a teen.My foster family fostered a future in me. I want to do the same for other kids and to encourage other people to become foster carers too. You have no idea how your involvement can change the trajectory of a child’s life. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that make the biggest impact.If you’d like to learn more about becoming a foster carer in Victoria, please contact Jacqui Bance on or 0409 591 895.Or please call Michelle on 0417 196 605 if you'd like to chat about becoming a foster carer in Tasmania.*Image changed for privacy purposes

    • 22 Jul 2021
  • Statement in Relation to Incident Involving Baptcare employee

    Baptcare Communications Phone: 03 9831 7255 Email:

    • 09 Jun 2021