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  • Faces of Baptcare #48 | Meet Richard Woodall

    Meet Richard Woodall, Financial Controller at Baptcare and a much-loved member of his team. “He’s a thoughtful and considered individual and a joy to work with,” comments Corporate Finance Manager, Alejandra Salgado. These sentiments are echoed by Louise Milligan, Senior Accounts Receivable Officer. “Richard is an excellent leader, who is very approachable and builds positive relationships within the finance team. He is always supportive of the team to work creatively and confidently towards Baptcare’ s shared vision.” Other team members spoke of his calm, steady influence and that trademark wicked sense of humour. You can read more about Richard below.What is your current role and what does it involve day to day?I’m the financial controller at Baptcare. We look after the billing for our customers, paying our suppliers and paying our 4,000 amazing staff.How long have you been working at Baptcare? Four-and-a-half years.What do you like about your job? Working in my role, I get to see all across Baptcare. We work in so many fantastic places. While finance provides support in the background, I love being a part of the different things we do. This can vary from helping with a bid for grant funding, working through budgets for a new property development or trying to understand AN-ACC (Australian National Aged Care Classification).Can you share a particularly special work day you’ve had recently?We’ve been working closely with the Victorian Government over the past two years in the social housing space and we’ve had some great victories in securing new homes for those in need. While the number of extra homes are only a drop in the ocean compared to the need across Australia, each new home we can provide is life changing for those residents. Hearing the stories of the new residents at our Sunshine development were very touching and make all the red tape and government negotiations worthwhile, even if it gets us just one more home.Did you always want to work within the financial space. What are some other jobs you’ve performed in your career?Sadly yes, I was the kid in grade three in love with his new calculator eagerly looking forward to being an accountant. There was a brief time I was certain I’d play full forward for Melbourne but my passion for spreadsheets won out. I’ve been in accounting since I was 18 so have worked in tax, audit and the commercial space, but I also enjoy getting out of the office on different projects and have stepped in to drive delivery trucks and helped new product launches. I had to do a sock audit at Myer once. I’m usually up for anything.Can you tell us something surprising about yourself? I have five kids, all boys, aged between three and 13. That usually surprises most people, and if it doesn’t, I get a few raised eyebrows when I tell them how we go through 15 litres of milk each week, about seven kilos of apples a week and one-two loaves of bread a day. I’m basically raising horses really.We hear that you are planning on involving your kids in some volunteer work? How on earth have you managed to pry them away from screens to do this? (I’m sure our readers would love to hear some parenting tips!).Our kinder started a program shortly after Covid where once a month they would get to spend time with residents at the local aged care facility and it was fantastic. I also did the Duke of Edinburgh Award program as a teen and loved it, which included volunteering at Hedley Sutton. Putting these two together I thought we’d slowly introduce my kids to volunteering with Baptcare. I’ve completed my onboarding and I’m looking forward to visiting The Orchards later this month.What’s the latest book you’ve read or series you’ve watched?I’m a terrible reader, but I catch the train to work so have smashed out plenty of audio books through the free (I’m an accountant, remember) Libby app. I’m currently working my way through the Tom Clancy series. Jack Ryan and I have saved the world a few times now, we’re a great team.Do you have a favourite quote or motto in life?Treat others how you’d like them to treat you.How would your friends describe you?They would say I’m pretty relaxed. With a full house, you just roll with the punches. They’d also say I’ve got a wicked/sarcastic sense of humour, but I make sure I dial this down during work hours.If you could sit next to someone at a dinner party, who would it be and whyI love my sport, so someone like a Glen McGrath or Allen Jakovich who could chat sport for hours would be fun. Jesus was a great conversationalist and is an even better role model. That would be a dinner to remember.

    • 12 Jul 2023
  • Faces of Baptcare #47 | Meet Adam Jochim

    Adam Jochim is a much-treasured member of our community, particularly his Peninsula View family where he currently works as the Residential Care and Services Manager. When we asked his colleagues for some words about Adam they agreed that “he is approachable, not intimidating despite his seniority, a good listener and understanding of the personal circumstances of the staff he works alongside.” You can read more about the wonderful Adam below.What is your current role and what does it involve day to day? I am the Residential Care and Services Manager (RCSM) at Baptcare’s Peninsula View. This role is very diverse and that is why it is so attractive to me. Aged care managers have a great opportunity and responsibility to influence the workings of aged care homes. I see my role as being a leader and mentor with the larger part of the role dedicated to staff and resident liaison/support, as well as all things related to governance and standards of care. I feel personally responsible for Peninsula View Community including how it is perceived by all stakeholders and the close community itself.How long have you been working within the Aged Care team at Baptcare? I will celebrate five years at the end of this month. My first four years were spent with our Karana community.What do you like about working with Baptcare? Since my commencement with Baptcare I often find myself so positively surprised with the quality and calibre of people we have in the business. I truly believe that Baptcare’s values and mission by default attract good people. I love the spiritual and holistic aspect of Baptcare and I feel very aligned with - and proudly represent - what Baptcare stands for.Can you share a particularly special customer interaction you’ve had recently?In recent months we cared for a person with whom I have worked at another aged care home for over nine years. It was rather surreal and very emotional for me to accept a new ‘relationship’ with this person, but I felt privileged to be able to assist her in her difficult journey knowing that the service we provide, and the staff we employ, are superbly caring and kind. Such moments give me more energy and drive.Did you always want to work within the caring space and what are some other jobs you’ve performed in your career?I have been a nurse since 1990 and I never imagined myself working in aged care, but life leads us on different - and not always planed – paths. For me, the aged care journey started in a small nursing home in Hawthorn in 1994 and I loved it from day one.What did you want to be when you grew up? My early dream was to become a vet and then a surgeon - luckily these dreams never eventuated.Can you tell us something surprising about yourself? People may be surprised to find out that I like to watch UFC Mixed Martial Arts! I still do not know why I’m attracted to watching this considering my gentle attitude to life.We’ve heard that you’re a baker in your spare time. Can you tell us what inspired this hobby?Yes! Three years ago, my friend gave me a jar of culture (bread starter) and since that time I have mastered a good recipe of rye bread and I bake bread twice a week. I love the smell of dough and freshly baked bread. Bread baking is great as you can share this simple food with others.We’ve also heard that you’re a keen water sports fan – in particular, windsurfing? Yes, I have been windsurfing since 1987 when I first watched this sport in action. My first windsurfing board was a DIY kit. Windsurfing is my passion and windy days can be restless for me if I cannot go out on the water.Do you have a favourite quote or motto in life? I do not have any specific quotes that I live by, but I try to read the Bible and get my inspiration from there. The Wisdom of Sirach is my go-to part as it provides clear and simple messages on how to perform good deeds in the world.How would your friends describe you?I feel that my friends would see me as happy and easy going. I am rather solitary in my life. I am most comfortable and happy in the company of my wife and children.Do you have a mentor or idol? Not really, and the older I get the more selective and cautious I become in such areas. Recently I have been following/listening to the scientist John Lennox who, in my opinion, has great views on today’s world and its complexities.Who would you like to sit next to at a dinner party?I would like to be at any dinner party where the Branford Marsalis Quartet is playing. I find them to be the best jazz group ever.

    • 06 Jul 2023
  • Faces of Baptcare #46 | Meet Vince Ferraro

    One of the first things you notice about Vince is his easy smile and twinkly eyes. He is obviously a real people-person.“Vince is a classic,” says Hannah Horsley, Retirement Living Manager at the Orchards. “He brings a lot of fun and joy into the community, joking around with the residents and always making them laugh.“Nothing is too much trouble with Vince. He has a heart of gold and is a very valuable and treasured member of our team.” We asked Vince about his eight-year career. What is your current role and what does it involve day to day?My current role is bus driver/activities person/maintenance. My day involves lots of things such as taking residents from either the Residential Aged Community (RAC) or Retirement Living (RL) on outings or shopping, playing a game of quoits with the residents in the RAC (which they thoroughly enjoy!) and helping with lunches. Of late I have also been helping out in the RL maintenance space, which has been a great change of scenery for me, and I love working with the RL team. What do you like about working with Baptcare? I enjoy seeing the look of happiness on residents faces when we go out on bus trips and knowing that I bring a lot of joy to them, especially when we go out for lunch. Can you share a particularly special workday/customer interaction you’ve had recently?Every time I take residents out from the RAC on a bus trip, they have been so thankful and appreciative that they are going out. It’s so rewarding to see their happy faces and how thankful the residents’ families are seeing their loved ones go out. There’s a saying that if you want to get a teenager to chat, put them in a car and drive! That the movement and the lack of eye contact encourages relaxation. Do you notice anything about the mood of the residents when they get in the bus?The residents are so happy and reminisce about their childhoods and where they used to live, it encourages a lot of conversation about how much things have changed and talking about the places they used to holiday with their families. How did you start working in Aged Care/Retirement Living?One day when I was visiting my mother-in-law, Hannah (Horsley Retirement Living Manager, The Orchards) asked me whether I would like to fill in as a bus driver until Hannah could find someone more permanent. Hannah promised it would only be for a couple of weeks and mind you I already had two other jobs! Somehow it is now nearly eight years later and every time I see Hannah, I ask her “Have you found someone to drive the bus yet?”How do you find having your mother-in-law in your workplace? She is pretty easy going, all I have to do is take her to any op shop and I become her favourite son in law!What did you want to be when you grew up?I wanted to be a plumber and now I help my son who is a plumber which gives me a lot of joy. Can you tell us two surprising things about yourself?I came to Australia from Italy at five years old and couldn’t speak a word of English and I am one of nine children.What do you like to watch in your spare time?I don’t watch the news or read the paper, to me it is all bad news. I do enjoy a good action film.What’s your favourite action movie?The Godfather 1 and 2Do you have a favourite quote or motto in life?We try to do the best in our lives, however in the end “what will be will be.”How would your friends describe you? Funny, never to take me too seriously and very loyal.If you could sit next to someone at a dinner party, who would it be and why? I would love to sit next to Mick Jagger and the other members of the Rolling Stones.What’s your favourite Rolling Stones song and what would you ask them?Song - ‘Start me up.’ I’d like to ask Mick if Tina Turner taught him how to dance.Thanks to Vince for ‘starting up’ so much fun and warmth in our community. We’re so grateful Hannah discovered you all those years ago.If you’d like to learn more about Baptcare’s retirement living communities, please visit or call 0439 410 207. To read more about The Orchards Residential Aged Care community please visit

    • 29 Jun 2023
  • Meet Swinburne Digital Story Program volunteer, Natalie Alexander

    Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘If you want something done, give it to a busy person’. This saying applies to the Swinburne Digital Story Program Aged Care volunteer, Natalie Alexander.In addition to a busy family life (three children aged from 9-14), Natalie is currently completing her fourth year of a Monash University psychology pathway. Natalie is hoping to be practising psychology in the child/adolescent space after her Master’s program.Natalie is also an active volunteer with various organisations, including the Swinburne Digital Story Program Aged Care project at Baptcare’s Hedley Sutton community.How long have you been volunteering with the Swinburne Digital Story Program Aged Care project?I started in January this year.Have you done any other volunteering?I’ve always done volunteering. Currently, I’m an active volunteer in schools, Raise Youth Mentoring program, Very Special Kids and of course the Swinburne Digital Story program. I like to volunteer in a variety of spaces to learn more about those worlds. I believe that this breadth of experience will help me in my career.How did you get involved in the Swinburne Digital Story project?I follow Swinburne on social media, saw an ad for the Digital Story program and got in touch with Rebecca Collins, the program Director.What drew you to the project?I thought it sounded wonderful to spend time with someone who is perhaps a bit lonely, and just provide them some company. The physical memento of the four-minute digital story after the program will hopefully not only be enjoyed by the resident, but also be useful do the aged care employees. I hope the digital story program will help the staff understand the resident being profiled a bit better, help the everyday conversation and ultimately, the quality of the resident’s life.It’s also lovely to be able to leave a gift for the resident that hopefully enhances their wellbeing.Whose digital story are you covering?Barbara, a resident from Hedley Sutton.What do you enjoy about volunteering with the Swinburne Digital Story Program in Aged Care?It’s a rewarding process to invest time in something worthwhile that will hopefully deliver some positive outcomes and joy.Residents have fascinating stories. They don’t think they’ve got much to tell until someone gives them the time and space to talk.It has also provided me with some invaluable training, and I now have skills that I can use in the future.Why do you do volunteering?I like giving back to my community. And I believe the world is a little bit nicer if we go out of our way for someone else. I really enjoy volunteering and It’s fulfilling to think you can bring some joy into someone’s life.Hopefully I can brighten Barbara’s day and give her someone to talk with. I also feel quite privileged to get to hear someone else’s life story.Selfishly, I also think it’s helpful for me to be amongst other age groups. It helps me understand more about people and this will help me in my daily life as well as my study. And lastly, I find that volunteering can help put your own little problems in perspective.How would you describe the process of creating a digital story?Firstly, you learn a lot with the program, such as good conversation starters, about feeling comfortable sitting in silence, and mostly how to be around older adults. We then use these skills to reminisce with the resident and find out more about them, with the aim of turning what we have learnt into a short digital story. Rebecca from Swinburne is very supportive and always is ready to help if needed.It has been lovely to see Hedley staff treat the residents with such friendliness and respect. I was walking recently with Barbara to the Hedley café and it was like walking with a celebrity – all the staff calling out ‘Hello’ to Barbara. I have been impressed by the Hedley staff, they are so friendly.If someone was thinking about trying out volunteering, what would you say?I’d encourage people to do volunteering if they can. It’s a great experience, you gain as much as you give.If you’re interested in joining our vibrant volunteering community, please email us on

    • 26 Jun 2023
  • Australian-first energy efficient social housing project opens in Sunshine

    Our ground-breaking affordable housing project in Sunshine is complete. This is a Baptcare Affordable Housing (BAH) pilot project in environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.The 20 new residences include eight PassivHauses. This is the first PassivHaus-designed social/affordable housing in Australia.We have invested more capital into building these houses because we believe that, in the long-term, their efficiency will alleviate financial pressures for residents.Soaring energy prices are a huge burden for many renters, so we have designed and built our extremely energy-efficient housing to reduce the pressure of high power bills.“We are proud of this innovative project and believe it will be a game-changer for renters battling high energy costs,” said Baptcare Chief Executive Officer Geraldine Lannon.“We look forward to seeing what impact the PassivHauses have for people living in them, in terms of health, financial and social outcomes. This is a bold step forward in social and affordable housing, and we anticipate great outcomes for the families, couples and individuals living in these homes.“Baptcare is dedicated to finding better ways to work with our customers. We believe that second-best is not good enough. We want to be leaders in creating best outcomes for and with our customers,” Ms Lannon saidThe completed housing project includes two four-bedroom PassivHauses and six two-bedroom PassivHauses. These dwellings meet international PassivHaus standards for airtightness, thermal insulation, ventilation, use of high-performance windows and doors and thermal bridge-free construction.The other twelve dwellings - eight one-bedroom and four two-bedroom homes - are built to seven-star NaTHERS energy rating and aim to achieve a minimum of gold standard of the Liveable Housing Australia for accessibility to and within the property.The development provides housing support for larger families, sole parents, financially disadvantaged people, people experiencing family or domestic violence, and older Victorians who meet the criteria for social/affordable housing.All of the new residences have been allocated to renters. The new houses are located close to Sunshine shopping centre, services and public transport.“In a cost of living crisis, Baptcare has developed a community in collaboration with Homes Victoria that is truly trying to minimise the ongoing running costs to their tenants,” said James Kelly, Seniors Living & Care Partner, ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects.“We’ve used a simple architectural vernacular tailored to the streetscape. It includes a small, private, family-oriented park at the rear, with landscaping by John Patrick, where residents can connect to nature and each other.“The interiors are functional, quality spaces, with simple joinery and the timber-framed, triple-glazed windows are really quite beautiful objects in their own right,” Mr Kelly said.BAH will work with Sustainability Victoria and other agencies to study the ongoing impact of building highly energy-efficient social and affordable housing, and what this means for the health, financial and social outcomes for the people living in these dwellings.This project has been funded through the Building Works Package, with the Victorian Government contributing $7 million to the $11.5 million development.Learn more about our PassivHauses here.

    • 23 Jun 2023
  • Faces of Baptcare #45 | Meet Shari Scholes-miller

    What is your current role and what does it involve day to day?My current role as an Assessment Officer involves the onboarding of new clients to our home care program. I spend my day meeting new clients in their homes and making sure things are all good and ready for us to begin delivering services to them. How long have you been working at Baptcare?I have been with Baptcare going on five years. I started back in 2017 as part of the customer enquiries team, then moved on to become a Customer Liaison Consultant, and now I’m an Assessment Officer. What do you like about working with Baptcare and in the home care space? I love being able to meet so many new and interesting people every day, all with their own stories to tell and experiences to share. I love being able to give something back to a group of people (our elderly population) who have given so much of themselves to our community over their lifetime. Can you share a particularly special customer interaction you’ve had recently?I saw a client recently who was going through a tough personal time, and by the end of my visit, they put their hand on my shoulder and thanked me just for listening. They told me that I had managed to turn their day around. It was a really special feeling for me. Did you always want to work within the caring space?I have always had a calling to work in “care” in some capacity. Prior to working at Baptcare, I had spent time working as a service coordinator in the early childhood education sector. What did you want to be when you grew up?For some reason I used to say I wanted to be a marine biologist - I never even knew what a marine biologist was at the time! Later on, I thought about being a physiotherapist as I used to help my grandfather out as he had a knee that caused him a great deal of pain. He used to tell me I’d make a great physio one day. Do you have a favourite quote or motto in life?Worrying about something will never change the outcome. How would your friends describe you?Generous, thoughtful, and always busy! If you could sit next to someone at a dinner party, who would it be and why?I am a BIG Elton John fan and have been lucky enough to see him perform live three times. I would be thrilled to be seated next to him at a dinner party - I think it would be a blast! Can you tell us two surprising things about yourself?I am a certified scuba diver (since the age of 12) and I have been to three of the five Disneyland theme parks around the world (and counting!) OK… we feel a Disney deep dive coming on….Which Disney theme parks have you visited?I have visited Disneyland in Anaheim, CA, 3 times; Disneyworld in Orlando, FL, once; and Disneyland Paris, once.What’s the next Disney location on your list?I would love to say Japan is next on my to do list.What do you like about the Disney parks?I could write a book to answer this one! There is something about the place that just evokes joy. I cry every single time I walk into a park (from happiness). You can’t have a bad day at Disney. The food, the smells, the cast members… magical! The thing I look forward to the most is always the fireworks. My favourite rides are:-Disneyland CA - Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance-Disneyland Paris - Indiana Jones-Disneyworld FL - Expedition EverestAnd my favourite thing to eat at all Disney Parks is the hot buttery popcorn.Is there a reason you are so into them? I have grown up watching Disney movies, as most of us did. And my sister actually worked at Disneyworld FL for a year, and I remember seeing her photos and listening to her talk about it just HAD to experience it for myself. I love the escape from reality you experience at the Disney Parks.When you’re at Disneyland it’s like you’re in a literal fantasy world where everything is bright and beautiful and grand. It really brings people together. I took my husband to Disneyland for the first time, and he is so not a Disney fan. And yet he had one of the best days ever there. Like I said - no bad days at Disney!If you could be a Disney character, who would it be and why?TOUGH ONE! Let me think… Maybe Mickey? He is just classic and timeless and brings instant happiness.As do you Shari! Thank you for sharing your little bit of magic each day in our home care team.If you’d like to learn more about Baptcare’s home care services, please visit our website at

    • 15 Jun 2023
  • Passionate volunteers help give families a better start

    There are some moments you don’t forget.Such as the little non-verbal boy, initially wary, who allowed Glenda Dawson to play with his toy trains – then had such fun that he spread his arms wide at the end of the session to try to block her from leaving.Or the mother battling mental health issues, raising four children with their own health challenges, isolated from her family, who turned to Glenda one day and said, ‘I trust you.’“It was a very special moment, knowing that she felt that way, and that I could provide that connection for her,” Glenda, a long-serving volunteer with Baptcare Home-Start in Bendigo, reflects.Home-Start is a voluntary home visiting service that offers practical support and mentoring to families with children under the age of five. It is an evidence-based program based on the simple but powerful belief that children need a happy and secure childhood and that parents play the key role in giving their children a good start in life and helping them achieve their full potential. Trained volunteers are linked to families on a one-to-one basis, to give support and foster community connection on a short- or long-term basis. Most volunteers are parents or grandparents themselves.Glenda is a retired schoolteacher and grandmother who felt she had the capacity to contribute to her community. “I prayed about what I should do with my free time. It was then I saw the ad to volunteer with Baptcare Home-Start. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.“The training, supervision and support that I was given at the start and continue to be given on an ongoing basis is vital to the work that we do,” she says. “As I look at our community and the times we’re living in, the need for this program is growing.“Sometimes it is just a matter of sitting over a cup of tea and having a chat. Sometimes I fold the washing, sometimes I go with them to a medical appointment, and sometimes I keep an eye on the kids while the Mum has a shower for longer than the two minutes she usually gets to herself.Overall, it’s just about building the relationships and encouraging them. It is amazing, and I have seen that Baptcare Home-Start makes a real difference to these families.”Glenda’s observations are echoed by Jenny Mitchell, another highly-valued Baptcare Home-Start volunteer. Jenny is an experienced social worker who was looking for an opportunity to continue to use her skills during retirement.“I am such an advocate for this program,” she enthuses. “For a start, it’s not time limited. It’s not six weeks and then it’s done – it’s a relationship with a family for as long as they need.“It’s a strength-based program, which I love. We’re not there to tell parents what to do or to judge them. It’s about walking alongside them. It’s about looking for the strengths, so when I’m with a family I always make sure I comment on things I can see that are going well. And there is always something you can say!“I think every city and town in Australia should have multiple Home-Start programs, but also I love that our programme is small. I think that’s what makes it effective; it’s not giant and one-size-fits-all – it’s small and local and manageable.”Baptcare responds to each family’s needs through a combination of home-visiting support, group work, parenting education and social events. The aim is to support parents as they grow in confidence, strengthen their relationships with their children and widen their links with the local community.Jenny also gives her time and abilities to help support the Baptcare team in training new volunteers. “I can’t emphasise enough how important this program is, and how incredibly cost-effective it is, and the value it provides to the community,” Jenny says.“We hear over and over again from families how much they appreciate it and how it helps them to get on with their lives. In terms of dollars spent, the value to our community not just now but over time is enormous.“We also have excellent ongoing training and support for the volunteers. You have to support your workers, be they volunteers or paid, and that’s what happens with Baptcare’s Home-Start.”Baptcare Home-Start operates in Bendigo, where the current program has been active for 12 years and works with around 40 families and 100 children each year, and also our newer service in Sunshine. The program has a proven, lasting and positive impact on the development of children and the health and welfare of families.More information: Home-Start Program - Baptcare

    • 13 Jun 2023
  • Faces of Baptcare #44 | Meet David Ware, Spiritual Care Coordinator/Chaplain

    David is a much-loved member of staff at our Hedley Sutton Community in leafy Camberwell, Victoria. His bright and cheerful personality radiates warmth and positivity to all he meets – and his poetry is sure to put a smile on your face.Read on to learn more about David’s work, why he loves working at Baptcare and enjoy reading some of his poetry!Tell us about your work as a Spiritual Care Coordinator/Chaplain – what does a typical day look like for you (if there is such a thing)?Some days are very different to others – over a week, I do many different things including:Creating and leading devotional services and a variety of resident interest programs, for example, weekly current affairs sessions and monthly ‘can of worms’ discussions.Providing emotional and spiritual support to our residents, staff and families.Coordinating and leading a team of spiritual care volunteers.Keeping up to date with required assessments and documentation.Why did you decide to become a Spiritual Care Coordinator/Chaplain? And why did you decide to work in the aged care sector?I am not sure I chose aged care—I think that in some strange way it (God?) chose me. I was walking the streets of Geelong reading water meters, using hardly any of my ability or gifts (although I did get very fit!) when the opportunity to become a Baptcare Chaplain arose. I wasn’t sure how I would go—but after a period of adjustment I found it fitted me quite well.How long have you worked at Baptcare?I commenced working with Baptcare in November 2011, so I have been with the organisation for more than 11 years. During this time, I have worked across three sites: the Western Metro Community Aged Care Office in Sunshine (as it was then), Strathalan Community (with a focus on Retirement Living) and our Hedley Sutton Community. I have also helped out at a few other sites from time to time.Why do you like working at Baptcare?One of the things I have most enjoyed about Baptcare is working with many wonderful people who really care about the people they work for and believe in the importance of what they do.To me, Baptcare really does care about the residents, clients, consumers and communities we serve. It is good to feel that I am part of making a positive difference.Have you always worked as a Chaplain?Not always—although I have previously worked as a School Chaplain in public and private school settings. It does seem to have been a bit of a “sweet spot” where my gifts, personality and sense of vocation come together well.Other jobs I have had:Braille Transcriber (I worked for over five years full-time and part-time in this role).Integration Aide work (undertaken part-time for four years with a visually handicapped high school student, while I completed a BA/B Theol double degree).Church Pastor (both as a solo/main pastor and as part of a team).What did you want to be when you were growing up?There was a time when I thought I would like to be a schoolteacher. I was dissuaded from this in Year 6 by a teacher who thought I was too shy to do this role. Looking back, I think that was a poor assessment of my capabilities and I have ended up doing a fair bit of teaching anyway!I notice that you are a very natural performer in front of a big crowd and connect with ease – how did you develop those skills?Thanks for the compliment! (I am actually quite shy).I think it’s largely been a case of identifying the strengths that I have when it comes to connecting with a group (even a large group) and honing those skills through practice. Over the years, I have got a pretty good feel for what works well in a public setting and what doesn’t.These are my tips:Find a “hook” for any brief speech of 3-4 minutes, for example, I have spoken about MAD (Make A Difference) volunteers.Don’t labour the point (longer is not always better—in fact, it can be worse).Use interesting stories as illustrations (stories that connect with people are a great communication tool. Jesus used a lot of stories).Where possible, break the message into smaller “bite size” pieces (in devotions, I generally have three sections that go for 4-5 minutes rather than one long message).Make sure the different parts of the message connect well (the sum of the whole should be greater than the sum of the parts).Have one main point which provides a focus for all the sub points.Make it interesting and keep a sense of humour.Connect with people’s own stories and experiences (i.e., I try to start where people are at—not where I think they should be).Your poetry is wonderful! When did you develop a love of writing? I have always been able to write rhymes, poems and song lyrics. But I generally need a reason to write.Until 2020, most of my writing was done for the many short talks I created for devotional services I presented at Hedley Sutton.However, when COVID hit in 2020, I had a conviction that if ever there was a time when I needed to get on the “front foot” with my writing this was it! So, I wrote a lot more poems from that time on.(Editor’s note - here’s an excerpt from David’s piece ‘If God’ for your enjoyment):Oh yes there’s been times when fired up, crankyGod’s upbraided the world for its brash hanky-pankyBut still all in all, though it may pass as ordinaryHis patience has been exemplar, extraordinaryThrough all that does happen we still hear joy’s tuneThe sun shines on brightly and so does the moon,And fun does emerge from the strangest of placesGod must be a prankster, to make all our faces.He’s more than a judge, he’s a big-hearted dad,With a laugh and a smile, to make our hearts glad.And like the best earthly mother, who never gives inHe helps us to rise up and again to begin.Yes God is a jokester, a weaver of talesWho delights in our quirks and whose love never fails.You ask me in earnest: How was this thought seeded?Well I am still here, what more proof is needed!?What else do you like to do in your spare time?I am a bit of a sports tragic and follow the Geelong football club and get to matches when I can.I play table tennis at home against one of my sons—and we have some epic matches. I am holding sway—just!I enjoy getting down to Anglesea on the Surf Coast and to other places for short trips when I can.I enjoy reading and am particularly interested in history and the insights it can provide into why people, communities and countries do the things they do.I am part of a great small group—where we share life, prayer and faith together.I like going to our local café or visiting places like Warrandyte that are renewing and life giving.If you could invite anyone in the world along to a dinner party (living or dead – doesn’t matter), who would you invite and why?That is a great question!I am hoping to meet Jesus one day, so I will leave him off my dinner list!Jonah: What was it like being swallowed by a whale? Did you learn anything from that experience?Elvis Presley: What was it really like being “The King”? Would you have made all those B grade movies again if you had another chance?Elizabeth 1 (Queen of England 1558-1603): What was it like being a powerful woman in a man’s world? Was being Henry VIII’s daughter a help or a hindrance? Did you regret that you never got married?What’s your motto in life?To leave the world and people I love and meet, better than I found them.Thank you, David, for everything you do to support our valued residents, staff and volunteers at Baptcare. If you would like to learn more about how Baptcare provides emotional and spiritual support through our network of pastoral carers and chaplains, click here.

    • 08 Jun 2023
  • Faces of Baptcare #43 | Meet Bernadette Bullock

    Bernadette Bullock is one of Baptcare’s longest serving employees and a much-loved part of our community. Without hesitation, her colleagues described Bernadette as caring, loyal, kind, fun, supportive and knowledgeable. You can read about Bernadette’s amazing Baptcare journey below (and learn a bit about her hobby English paper piecing too!). What is your current role at Baptcare?Since September 2019 I‘ve worked as Sales Manager for the new retirement living community in Frankston South called Peninsula View Retirement Residences.My role is quite varied but revolves around regular communication. I work with development and marketing to create a road map in order to sell the retirement apartments and villas off the plan. I communicate regularly to stakeholders and customers about their needs and how we can assist them in satisfying those needs. Another major part of my role is to maintain relationships throughout the build of the Peninsula View Retirement Residences, including assistance with the customer’s induction into a new site and then supporting them as they adjust to living in their new community.What would a perfect workday look like for you?A day that involves productive communicating with purchasers (both existing and prospective) where I’m able to keep them informed of what is happening on the development. I also enjoy any conversations with other retirement living team members and supporting people in any way that I can.You have been working at Baptcare for 31 years! What roles have you had during this time and what has kept you at Baptcare?I started working at Karana in 1992 for Baptist Social Services as a casual in the kitchen while I was studying to be a Mothercraft nurse (childcare). I also completed a Certificate Three in Disability Care. I worked across catering, cleaning, laundry and even dabbled in personal care before moving into supervisory roles. I progressed to supervisor in the domestic area.Next I moved to Baptist Catering, then Strathalan to start our assisted living program. In 2006 I completed Graduate Diploma in Aged Care Management at Victoria University which was supported by Baptcare.Around 2008 I took on the management of the assisted living and the retirement living village and worked across this portfolio until l left in 2019 for my current role.In 2015/2016 I won the Victorian/Tasmanian Manager of the Year for retirement living under the Property Council of Australia. This award was very special for me because it was a resident-nominated award.What keeps me at Baptcare are the people. I have always had the opportunity at Baptcare to be mentored by fabulous people who have supported me, guided me, and given space to make mistakes and learn.What changes have you seen at Baptcare over that time? I have seen our Karana, Hedley Sutton, Westhaven and Strathalan communities all re-built and now I’m watching the cycle starting again, especially Strathalan and The Orchards. While Baptcare’s size has grown dramatically I feel that we still show the care and respect to the people we serve in all aspects of our organisation. Have you always wanted to work within the Retirement Living space? I started working with children but after almost 10 years in that area I decided that I needed to change direction. I think, coming from a large family, I have always felt the need to nurture people and through studying I had the opportunity to work for Baptcare and have just never had the urge to leave. What motivates you at work/in life?My motivations for work and in life are doing the right thing, showing care, respect and being able to guide and support people to achieve the next part of their life. Away from work, family and friends are especially important to me.What did you want to be as a young child?I wanted to be a nurse. Can you tell us two surprising things about yourself?I have six brothers and one sister, and I like to do English paper piecing and embroidery.(ed. English Paper Piecing involves stabilizing fabric pieces with paper before sewing them into intricate designs. See example below.)What would your ideal weekend involve?Catching up with friends, gardening, and spending time with my dog.Do you have a mentor or idol? It would be my sister. There is nine years between us but we are extremely close. Her ability to show care and compassion to others while working fulltime amazes me. She is always there when needed.If you’d like to learn more about Baptcare’s retirement living communities, please call 0439 410 207 or refer to website:

    • 01 Jun 2023