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Faces of Baptcare | Meet Catherine McCarroll

  • 12 Sep 2024
Catherine McCarroll faces of Baptcare portrait smiling in office

What is your current role and what does it involve day to day?

Care and Support Services (CASS) Manager. I work with Team Leaders in our Community Services Victoria space.  I support teams and lead my colleagues to achieve the best outcomes for children, young people, families and carers.

How long have you been working within the Foster Care team at Baptcare?

I started off as the Team Leader of Foster Care in October 2019 and became the CASS Manager in November 2021. Next month, I will be celebrating five years at Baptcare.

What do you like about working with Baptcare and in this space?

My passion is working for children and young people. Baptcare has like-minded people that makes it easier to share the wealth of experience in being creative and achieving the outcomes our children and young people are striving for.

I am fortunate to lead wonderful people who advocate for their families.

Can you share a particularly special workday/customer interaction you’ve had recently?

Recently I attended a home visit (a rare opportunity for me) and was reminded of why I am in this field of work. It was really special  watching the little munchkin running around, happy and connected with his carer. I really enjoy working with carers to make sure the needs of their little ones are being met and advocating for them.

Did you always want to work within the Family Services space and what are some other jobs you’ve performed in your career?

I always wanted to work with children but in what capacity, I didn’t know. I have worked as a childcare worker, youth worker, family housing support worker and in child protection. Child protection has been the career which led me to where I am now. I am so grateful to all the families who had me in their homes at their most vulnerable moments.

What does this year’s Foster Care Week motto mean to you:

Today’s Carers/Tomorrow’s Future – I always think of the analogy of having a seed planted by that one person that can help a child grow and develop. Our carers are often planting the seeds that they may not see germinate, but in doing so, they are instilling self-worth, love and understanding that will bloom. Our carers are nurturing our future.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a teacher but soon found in my first placement that I didn’t like 28 children calling out ‘Miiiiiisssssss’ multiple times a minute!

Can you tell us two surprising things about yourself?

I play flute and bassoon (that counts as two, doesn’t it??)

Do you have a favourite quote or motto in life?

“And this too shall pass” – the good, the bad and the ugly! It’s all a moment in time and it’s about how you shape it.

Please complete this question: my favourite weekend would include …

Cooking up a storm and feeding friends and family. Then using the Sunday for resting, watching movies and having a pyjama day!

What are two things on your bucket list?

  1. Visit Rome and whilst there, the rest of Europe.
  2. Watch my children grow into adulthood and lead their own lives.

Do you have a mentor or idol? OR If you could sit next to someone at a dinner party, who would it be and why?

I have been honoured to work with some amazing people who have helped shaped my practice and leadership style. Each person along my journey, regardless of the interaction, has taught me something.

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