Meet Richard Woodall, Financial Controller at Baptcare and a much-loved member of his team. “He’s a thoughtful and considered individual and a joy to work with,” comments Corporate Finance Manager, Alejandra Salgado. These sentiments are echoed by Louise Milligan, Senior Accounts Receivable Officer. “Richard is an excellent leader, who is very approachable and builds positive relationships within the finance team. He is always supportive of the team to work creatively and confidently towards Baptcare’ s shared vision.” Other team members spoke of his calm, steady influence and that trademark wicked sense of humour. You can read more about Richard below.
What is your current role and what does it involve day to day?
I’m the financial controller at Baptcare. We look after the billing for our customers, paying our suppliers and paying our 4,000 amazing staff.
How long have you been working at Baptcare?
Four-and-a-half years.
What do you like about your job?
Working in my role, I get to see all across Baptcare. We work in so many fantastic places. While finance provides support in the background, I love being a part of the different things we do. This can vary from helping with a bid for grant funding, working through budgets for a new property development or trying to understand AN-ACC (Australian National Aged Care Classification).
Can you share a particularly special work day you’ve had recently?
We’ve been working closely with the Victorian Government over the past two years in the social housing space and we’ve had some great victories in securing new homes for those in need. While the number of extra homes are only a drop in the ocean compared to the need across Australia, each new home we can provide is life changing for those residents. Hearing the stories of the new residents at our Sunshine development were very touching and make all the red tape and government negotiations worthwhile, even if it gets us just one more home.
Did you always want to work within the financial space. What are some other jobs you’ve performed in your career?
Sadly yes, I was the kid in grade three in love with his new calculator eagerly looking forward to being an accountant. There was a brief time I was certain I’d play full forward for Melbourne but my passion for spreadsheets won out. I’ve been in accounting since I was 18 so have worked in tax, audit and the commercial space, but I also enjoy getting out of the office on different projects and have stepped in to drive delivery trucks and helped new product launches. I had to do a sock audit at Myer once. I’m usually up for anything.
Can you tell us something surprising about yourself?
I have five kids, all boys, aged between three and 13. That usually surprises most people, and if it doesn’t, I get a few raised eyebrows when I tell them how we go through 15 litres of milk each week, about seven kilos of apples a week and one-two loaves of bread a day. I’m basically raising horses really.
We hear that you are planning on involving your kids in some volunteer work? How on earth have you managed to pry them away from screens to do this? (I’m sure our readers would love to hear some parenting tips!).
Our kinder started a program shortly after Covid where once a month they would get to spend time with residents at the local aged care facility and it was fantastic. I also did the Duke of Edinburgh Award program as a teen and loved it, which included volunteering at Hedley Sutton. Putting these two together I thought we’d slowly introduce my kids to volunteering with Baptcare. I’ve completed my onboarding and I’m looking forward to visiting The Orchards later this month.
What’s the latest book you’ve read or series you’ve watched?
I’m a terrible reader, but I catch the train to work so have smashed out plenty of audio books through the free (I’m an accountant, remember) Libby app. I’m currently working my way through the Tom Clancy series. Jack Ryan and I have saved the world a few times now, we’re a great team.
Do you have a favourite quote or motto in life?
Treat others how you’d like them to treat you.
How would your friends describe you?
They would say I’m pretty relaxed. With a full house, you just roll with the punches. They’d also say I’ve got a wicked/sarcastic sense of humour, but I make sure I dial this down during work hours.
If you could sit next to someone at a dinner party, who would it be and why
I love my sport, so someone like a Glen McGrath or Allen Jakovich who could chat sport for hours would be fun. Jesus was a great conversationalist and is an even better role model. That would be a dinner to remember.
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