Hear from people living well with home care
Asking for help isn’t always easy. With the right support, you can live happier at home, for longer, with the things you need to be comfortable and independent. Hear from others who are living well at home with Baptcare.
Enjoying the comforts of home: Lynette and George
Lynette is 75 and her husband, George, is 70. With a little help from home care, they're able to live healthily and happily together at home.
Meet Carol Gardner
We say it often and we mean it always: our Baptcare community – staff and customers – is endlessly dynamic and fascinating. Our Faces of Baptcare series enjoys showcasing these vibrant individuals, such as Home Care client: Carol Gardner.
Living happily at home: Matteo Russo
Matteo Russo currently lives happily with the support of Baptcare's Home Care services. "I trust the people who Baptcare send to my home. It's unbelievable, we're like a family," he smiles.